Saturday, 25 June 2011

Warriors of the Kar

So for tonight's update I've decided to add a unit from my Core choices in the for of a Spearman Horde. Originally these guys were painted up with black armour, but last year I tried a new silvered scheme which I liked a lot more (and it's quicker to paint to boot), so these fella's got a new paint scheme and I added to the unit (increasing it to 40 men).
The Spearmen were sitting in GW Carlisle's window for quite a while, so when I pulled them out of the case there were a few things needing touched up, speartips missing, shields falling off. So they were reattached and I did a bit of magnetizing on them as well.
Also tonight, because I missed adding the picture yesterday is another Sorceress. This time the one from the last lot of new releases. I decided to paint the magic swirly bit in blood rather than smoke as I thought it would fit with the Dark Elves bloodthirsty reputation a bit more.

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