Saturday, 2 July 2011

Masters of the Kar

So for tonights, or should that be this mornings as it now almost 1am here, update. These are a couple of my Dark Elf Masters/Nobles. I've added a bit more colour to these guys, but still tried to keep the pallet limited and within the whole scheme of the army.
First up we have a Master with a hand-weapon and shield. I don't know why but I really like the way the base came out on this guy.
And secondly a Master with a Great-weapon. Now if only the rules allowed you to add a normal Master to a unit of Executioners this guy would fit perfectly. I know it's fluffy, but why the hell wouldn't you get Khanite characters other than the hags? Surely there should be an option to give characters a Khanite rule somewhere.

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